Learn more about computer servicing, hardware diagnostics, fault analysis and software.
- Build on existing knowledge and experience
- Work in the IT industry.
- Study in your own home and at your own pace.
- Course Duration: 100 hours of self paced study – start at any time.
- This course will develop your ability to independently undertake routine maintenance and to analyse faults in personal computers.
We expect anyone attempting this course will have either studied our Computer Servicing I course first, or have been “tinkering” with the insides of computers for some time. If you are an amateur who has learnt to open up your computer, and do things like adding RAM, you may not need to do Computer Servicing I first. Look at the content of Computer Servicing I, and if it all seems very familiar to you: start with this course. If it doesn’t, you may be best undertaking Computer Servicing I first.
Lesson aims for the course include:
- Develop procedures for routine hardware maintenance of a computer system.
- Develop procedures for routine software maintenance of a computer system.
- Evaluate the appropriateness of different computer systems for different applications.
- Determine different sources of faulty hardware operation in a PC computer system.
Some of the things you will do in this course include:
- Explain how to dismantle a Personal Computer.
- Explain how to reassemble a dismantled personal computer.
- Analyse potential hardware faults that may occur in different computer systems.
- Determine likely causes of potential hardware faults, including faulty equipment, damage to equipment.
- Analyse potential software faults that may occur in different computer systems.
- Determine likely causes of potential software faults, including faulty equipment, power surges.
- Describe causes of data corruption.
- Describe ways of addressing software problems including data corruption.
- Develop a procedure for routine maintenance of a specific computer system.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of three different operating systems.
- Outline the role of ROM BIOS.
- Explain a range of common computer hardware faults which are easily repaired by a technician.
- Test cables for faulty operation.
- Explain faults which can occur with a VDU.
- Explain how to use several different hardware diagnostic tools.
- Determine procedures to minimise risk of computer problems including equipment breakdowns and data loss.
- Explain a range of common computer software faults which are easily repaired by a technician.
- Test different software for faulty operation.
- Explain how to use several different software diagnostic tools.
Course Structure & Content:
Computer Servicing II comprises 10 lessons, as outlined below.
Introduction To Hardware Components
- Introduction.
- Random Access Memory (RAM).
- Types of RAM.
- Dynamic RAM.
- Tips for buying TAM.
- How to add memory to a computer.
- Problems when installing memory.
- Central Processing Unit (CPU).
- Considerations when buying a new CPU.
- Graphic card.
- How to install a graphics card.
- Installing a CD or DVD burner.
- Jumper switch settings.
- Hard disk upgrade.
- Installing a backup drive.
Basic Diagnostic Equipment
- Introduction.
- Software diagnosis.
- Temperature monitor.
- Registry cleaner, virus scanner and spyware detector.
- USB port tester.
- Power supply tester.
- CPU meter.
- Hard disk tester.
Electric Circuits and Components
- Understanding electricity.
- Circuits.
- Measuring electricity.
- Ohm’s law.
- Power.
Problem Solving and Fault Analysis
- Introduction.
- Problem solving.
- Request response, result strategy.
- The circle back model.
- Pitfalls in problem solving.
- How to troubleshoot and isolate computer problems.
- Hardware failures.
- Software failures.
- Recreating a problem; reproducing the error.
Diagnostic Testing [A] (Self Tests and Diagnostic Cards)
- Power up.
- Boot drive.
- Errant keyboard.
- Mouse problems.
- Slow computer performance.
- Computer freezes and displays BSOD (Blue screen of death).
- No display on monitor.
- No sound.
- Computer rebooting or turning itself off.
- How to troubleshoot a computer that does not boot.
Diagnostic Testing [B] (System Board and Memory Tests)
- Components overview.
- Operating system diagnostics.
Software Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Software and hardware.
- Operating systems.
- Command prompts.
- SOS, DIR command.
- Formatting.
- File types.
- Back up (all types).
- Copy.
- Print.
- Erasing files.
- Autoexec.bat and Config.sys.
- History of windows.
- Viruses.
- Data corruption.
Disk drives and CD-ROM
- Servicing CD ROM drive.
- RAM servicing.
Video And Audio Systems
- Video cards.
- Troubleshooting a graphics card.
- Sound cards and troubleshooting.
Developing a Maintenance Program
- Work scheduling.
- Project component estimate form.
- Performing routine computer maintenance.
Lesson aims for the course include:
- Develop procedures for routine hardware maintenance of a computer system.
- Develop procedures for routine software maintenance of a computer system.
- Evaluate the appropriateness of different computer systems for different applications.
- Determine different sources of faulty hardware operation in a PC computer system.
A computer servicing course is suitable for individuals interested in acquiring technical skills to diagnose, repair, and maintain computer hardware and software. It’s beneficial for aspiring technicians, IT professionals, and anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of computer systems and troubleshooting.